Hobbiton™ Movie Set
KingSt Advertising
Design Lead
For Hobbiton Movie Set, one of the most iconic identity marks and locations in New Zealand cinematic history, consistency of brand application is central to maintaining the magic of an encounter with the brand. After completing a thorough brand audit we discovered that Hobbiton's 650,000 annual visitors were seeing five different logo marks, inconsistent typography and messaging, a full spectrum of 'Hobbiton Greens' and a mix-and-match approach to use of supporting elements.
If you ever visit Hobbiton Movie Set, you will hear how the tree above Bag End, the only artificial tree on set, had each of its 200,000 silk leaves re-painted multiple times until Peter Jackson was satisfied he had landed on the perfect green. with a visual lead like Sir Jackson and a cult-like fan base, details matter.
Beginning with identifying the true 'Hobbiton Evergreen', I audited and refined the logomark, colour palette, typographic treatment/font use, supporting element output and worked with the Hobbiton Movie Set marketing team to centralise the hero positioning statement, 'enchanting encounters'. These decisions were all officiated in the form of two brand bibles - one for internal use, and one for retailers and tourism partners.